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Software: CRIME

The code

CRIME (Cosmological Realizations for Intensity Mapping Experiments) is a set of computational tools designed to generate fast simulations of the main components of intensity mapping observations:

The models and approximations used by CRIME are best described in its accompanying paper. For a description of its functionality, input and output format, compilation, etc. we refer the user to CRIME's README files.

Features in the current version


We have tried to reach a compromise between computational speed and precision. Thus, while CRIME is able to simulate many of the most important characteristics of 21cm intensity mapping observations, it is not all-powerful. We advise the user to take the following caveats into account:

Wishlist for the future

As almost any scientific code, CRIME is in a perpetual phase of developement. Here are the changes we intend to implement in future versions in order of likelihood/urgency:


Dowload version 1.3
Version 1.3 may (and probably will) contain errors and bugs. It may also undergo substantial changes in future versions. If you experience any trouble running or compiling it, please do not hesitate to contact the author (details below).

CRIME is publicly available under the GPL lincense (see COPYING in the root directory). We kindly ask you to cite the program's website and companion paper when using it for published scientific results.

Simulated data

Here you can find one of the "Fast" simulations used in Alonso et al. 2014. Please, refer to CRIME's README files for a description of the file formats and units.


Regarding bugs, suggestions, questions or petitions, feel free to contact the author: david.alonso@astro.ox.ac.uk