Home Software


The codes listed here are publicly available under open-source licences. Please feel free to use and modify them, and contact us if you find any problems using them.

Blind foreground subtraction

The software used in Alonso et al. 2014, to test different blind foreground subtraction methods, can be found HERE.


CRIME (Cosmological Realizations for Intensity Mapping Experiments) is a set of tools designed to generate fast and simple simulations of both the cosmological signal and the most relevant foregrounds for intensity mapping observations. The code, some datasets and further information can be found in CRIME's website.

Radio Fisher

The software used in Bull et al. 2014 can be found HERE.


SimFast21 is a code by Mário Santos (and collaborators) to generate simulations of the cosmological 21cm signal. See their wepage and paper for further details.

Ultra-large scales

The modified version of class (CLASS_xlarge) used in Alonso et al.2015 can be found here. The scripts used to derive the redshift distributions and bias functions in the paper can be found here. This software is made available without any guarantee, and should not be used blindly.